Jumat, 01 Mei 2020

7 ways to repel Kelabang from home to make it cleaner and safer

Tips and tricks to expel Kelabang at home
Not only laughable, the presence of the centipedes in the house also potentially makes you bitten until exposed to or the poison is quite painful. Kelabang loves places that are dirty or messy. Therefore, you should always keep the cleanliness of the house in order not to be visited by the centipedes.

However, do not worry if the centipedes have already entered into your house because Kania has a powerful way to expel the centipede from inside the house without needing to bother. The ingredients needed are very simple and easy to find. Curious? Let's just look at how to repel the following centipede!

Using Lime repellent insects
Four lime rods for insect repellents for

Many are available on the market, to expel the centipede you can use insect repellents from various brands that are generally sold at a cheap price. Using this lime repellent is also very easy, where you only need to brush the lime or cross it on the edges of the floor, walls, bathroom doors, or other areas that often go through the ikan komet centipedes so that they are reluctant to skip it.

Use lime Barus to expel Kelabang
Two tablespoons of camphor to expel

In addition to effectively preventing the onset of mushrooms, camphor can also be utilized to expel the centipede. The rich camphor of this benefit has a chemical content classified as safe to use in the house. Please spread the camphor in some areas of the house, such as kitchen, living room, or bathroom so that the centipedes will not pass through the area. Do not forget, replace the camphor periodically if you are already loading.

Extrude the Kelabang with cayenne pepper slices
Group of cayenne pepper to repel kelabangforbes.com

Not only used as a foodstuff, the spicy effects produced chili pepper is also very effective used to expel centipede. How to do it, please slice some chili pepper, then sprinkle on the area that is often passed by the centipedes. When you sow it, make sure you are careful with the use of gloves and eye protection, yes because chili pepper can cause a hot effect on the skin.

Sprinkle pepper to Usir Kelabang
Pepper powder on a wooden spoon to repel kelabangidukkivalley.com

In addition to using cayenne pepper, you can also make use of powdered pepper which equally has a potent effect to expel the centipede. You can sprinkle pepper powder into the centipedes and it is guaranteed that the animal will be in pain because his body is sore and reluctant to roam in your house. Do not forget, keep pepper from eye range when you sow it because Pepper can also make your eyes feel sore.

Usir of Kelabang with Pandan leaves
Pile of pandan leaves to repel

The fragrance that is removed from pandan leaves is also not liked by the centipedes so you can membasminya by utilizing the natural ingredients of this one. The way to use it is very easy because you just thinly slice some pandan leaves, then place the slices in the corner of the room, near the foot of the couch, as well as other furniture and furniture that is often passed by centipedes. This will make the centipedes not interested in the area, even going from your house.

Create a solution of repellent centipedes
Caustic soda flakes as repellent material

Another way you can do it by setting up a powerful solution to get rid of centipedes. You can create your own solution at home. Please mix one spoon of soda flame, five tablespoons of salt, and five tablespoons of vinegar, then stir until evenly.

After that, put a mixture of the ingredient into the bottle of the used drink with a lid that you have lured. To use it, you only need to spray it on the area that is often traversed by centipedes or mix with clean water to become a home-floor cleaning remedy. This way, it is guaranteed that you will not dare to stop in your house.

Usir Kelabang with insecticide
Three bottles of Peretrin to repel

You can also take advantage of insecticides of peretrins or soil diatoms to expel the centipede. However, make sure you use dosages for home and not farm. Please do the elimination of the centipedes using this insecticide with the method of fumation or spraying. Things to note, when using this material, keep away from the reach of your kids and your beloved pet, yes!

The seven ways above are very effective to help you get rid of the centipedes. Do not forget, clean all parts of the house, including the bathroom regularly so as not to be visited by others or other insects. Also, make sure that the air circulation in the home is optimally designed to be free of moisture and odor. Good luck on how to drive the centipede!

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