Jumat, 01 Mei 2020

Potent detergent kill Corona? Really?

Peeling fact detergent to kill Corona Virus
The spreading Corona virus outbreak makes everyone keep trying to find different ways to ward off the virus. Any so-called can dispel the corona virus attacks must be immediately going viral and trusted by most people without any idea of its truthfulness.

What's new, the COVID-19 plague handling spokesman, Achmad Yurianto mentions that detergents can knock out corona viruses so as to give new hope to the community. Detergent is also immediately become one of the products that are widely targeted after soap, hand sanitizer, and masks to avoid the corona COVID-19 virus.

However, is it true that detergents are capable of killing Corona COVID-19 viruses? Do not rush, before the detergent to the supermarket, you should know the truth first. Well, in this article this time, Kania will discuss the fact of detergent called the potent kill Corona. Check out his summary until it runs out, yes!

Actually what is detergent?
Powder detergent with a color notch spoon putihpixabay.com

Basically, detergent is a soap cleansing product for washing dirty clothes. This potent detergent cleans the dirty clothes because it contains fats derived from derivatives of petroleum. Compared with the ordinary soap used for bathing and hand washing, the detergent has a stronger washing power level because it contains benzene sulfonic alkyl.

Some of its own detergent-forming ingredients are sodium tripolyphospate to lower the surface tension of washable garments. There is also a carboxy metyl cellulose to bind the impurities so that it is not attached back after washing.

Detergent capable of killing viruses and bacteria
A bottle cap detergent that berbusapixabay.com

In some of the detergent content mentioned above, there are substances that can destroy the wrapper on the virus body. With the destruction of the wrapper, the virus can become inactive alias crash.

The content of the substance is a potent incapacitating virus is sodium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite. These chemical compounds can indeed kill viruses and bacteria, even the ability of these substances to kill bacteria aligned with the ability of alcohol 70%. This reason is what makes detergent claimed to be incapacitating the corona virus.

Bleach detergent more potent kill Virus
A spoon containing detergent menggumpalpixabay.com

Although it is considered able to kill viruses, but the most effective is the detergent with sodium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite levels that are sufficiently concentrated. How does knowing a detergent product have a high concentration of sodium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite?

Actually, it's easy to see the color. The more white detergent you use means the more concentrated the level of the chemical compounds of sodium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite in the detergent, as well as vice versa.

The reason, a potent substance cripples viruses and bacteria are many in the content of bleach. So, if your detergent is a liquid detergent and does not contain bleach, its ability to kill viruses and bacteria is certainly worth questionable.

Untested detergents for Corona viruses
Image virus Illustration coronagithub.com

Although it is said to be a potent incapacitating viruses and bacteria, the ability to resist the corona virus is still questionable. This is because until now there has been no clinical trials related to the ability of the content in detergent that can actually fight the new virus.

The ability of the viral repellents compound in detergent is also called equivalent to alcohol 70%. Meanwhile, WHO himself advocated to fight Corona virus with ethanol alcohol content of 80%. So, to kill the corona virus itself, the detergent is still not thoroughly tested.

Fixed use antiseptic
Someone is pressing the pump bottle contains hand sanitizerinfectioncontroltoday.com

Do not be because the detergent is said to be able to disable viruses, you so use it to bathe or wash hands, yes! However, the use of soap or hand sanitizer with antiseptic content will be more effective to kill viruses, including ikan mas koki corona viruses.

This is because the use of soap or antiseptic fluid has been proven to kill or inhibit the growth of organisms or viruses. Even the antiseptic itself has been tested to fight the SARS virus, the cause of severe acute respiratory disease that is still a group with the new Corona virus or COVID-19.

So, in conclusion it is a potent detergent to kill viruses, but for the Corona virus itself until now untested. Therefore, it is better to keep using soap or antiseptic fluid to clean every part of the body. Meanwhile, detergent is more destined for washing dirty clothes that may be exposed to viruses and bacteria.

Do not forget to always maintain health by always eating healthy foods, such as vegetables and fruits. Also make sure you always keep yourself clean and the environment to avoid the corona COVID-19 virus.

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